Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day TWENTY THREE - Last Regular School Day

Day TWENTY THREE – July 9, 2010
It’s Friiiiday!

So we started off class today with review the quiz answers from yesterday on the continents and all the other stuff we talked about. Then I did my review on the solar system and a lot more of them seemed to remember the planets now. I also taught them the little sentence that Chipo taught me so I could remember the order of the planets which was “My Very Earnest Mother Just Sent Us Nothing.” Hopefully, this will help some of them because it helped me. After that Danielle taught them how to use a thought bubble to write a short essay. The topic was “When I Grow Up…” We made all of them write their own thought bubbles after we gave them an example of ours and then they wrote their short essays on the back of the paper. A lot of them were really interesting to read and some were even funny; I really enjoyed reading because it gave me some insight on what kind of person each of them are. One boy stated very clearly that he wanted one wife only as if he was being force to have more which was kind of funny. One girl said she wanted to be a nurse and open her own clinic, one boy wanted to be an actor and travel Europe, a ton of them wanted to travel to the USA, mentioning how many cows, goats, and chickens they wanted was also very common in a lot of people’s papers. One student in particular named Renaldo did very well on his essay. He has very good English so he didn’t even follow the example we gave him, he just wrote. He spoke about how he wanted to travel, have two kids, and adopt one child so that he will be blessed by God; he also had a plan to have two estates where one would grow tea and the other will grow tobacco and after 5 years of earning money from his growings he said he wanted to go to London and never come back unless it is on holiday. Most of them had really good writing, but we did have to fix their grammar, unfortunately some students had worse grammar than others. I felt kind of bad for some students because they really struggled with this assignment which showed me that their English isn’t where it is suppose to be so I often wonder what is going to happen to this student if they don’t ever catch on.

Chipo surprised Danielle and I today when she gave us the skirts she had made for us. They were in the school’s colors and she told us to wear them on Monday for the farewell celebration. I was touched that she took time out to get them made.

Today was also the last day of the Literacy in Mother Tongue class. All the teachers from all three primary schools that participated came in today to show everyone what books they have made with the materials that Dr. Barber provided. Dr. Barber awarded the ones that were best and I was proud to know that Chipo and Gift were some of the teachers. While everyone was presenting I could tell that some teachers worked harder than others.

We went to the market again and Danielle and I faithfully walked to Tasty Bites.

Our night ended with a party that Peter through us at the lodge and the friends we made at the last party was there to join us which was really fun.

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