Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day SIXTEEN - Child Feeding Program

Day SIXTEEN – July 2, 2010
Today was really nice. At first we went one of the other primary schools with the rest of our group to observe their child feeding program which does need a lot of funding so hopefully when we get back to the states our group can conduct some events to raise money.
After experiencing that Danielle and I could not wait to get back to our school. We love our students or as teachers in Malawi call them “learners.” When we first started walking to our school one of our teachers, Gift, found us and walked half way there with us. It was a really nice walk and we got to tell him all about the safari and he got to tell us that he really wants our class to perform the Aggie Pride chant at the farewell ceremony.

He eventually left us and we continued walking to school. We saw these little kids who looked no older than 5 walking home and then came this really tiny one who was in tears because the rest of the group kept running from him. We felt so bad! We tried to walk with him to catch up to the kids but they would not stop for him.

We did see women on the side of the road that were selling all kinds of food so Danielle decided to buy bags of popcorn for our students. After the first break we passed it out to the kids. I just hope they don’t expect to have snacks from us all of the time, but I’m sure that won’t be a problem. Today Danielle taught them the John Jacob Jingle Himershmit song which they enjoyed after they got the words. I was surprised that some of our students volunteered to lead the class in some of the songs we already taught them like If Your Happy and You Know It, Aggie Pride, and Green Grass. It was all real fun. I just love our students. We also got to help them learn about acute and obtuse angles. Some of the students in the back were struggling so we might change everyone seats next week so we can give the students in the back a better seat to see the board.

We ate at Tasty Bites after school. I tried their cheese steak with rice; it was okay but I had to scrape the cheese off. I also had some really good chocolate cake and that was a real treat since we don’t ever get any dessert.

I can honestly say that when we leave I’m going to really miss our students, Gift, and Chipo.

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