Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day FIFTEEN - Boat Safari

Day FIFTEEN – July 1, 2010
Well I missed the 5:30am morning walk, but from what I heard I didn’t miss much. I had a really good breakfast which started my day off great. Then we got to go on the boat safari.

The boat safari was nice, but really cold from all the wind. We saw lots of hippos and some crocodiles. We did see the sick baby elephant again too. We were looking everywhere for more elephants, but didn’t find any.

After leaving Liwonde Mvuu Camp, we drove to a nearby sustainable primary school to visit. What I noticed about this school was that most of the kids were not shy at all which was a nice change. They were all willing to talk and tell me their names.

Then we went to a small market to try and buy some things. Again, there was a whole lot of bargaining and yelling out prices. I tried to trade my water shoes for stuff, but the man wasn’t giving me a good deal; I did get to trade the toothbrush that Ethiopian Airlines gave me while on the plane. Some people did get lucky with prices and got some really nice things. We also drove further to where the people carve these really nice and big wooden chairs.

That was pretty much all we did today. Most of our day just included driving back to Annie’s Lodge.

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