Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day TWENTY FOUR - The Orphanage

Day TWENTY FOUR – July 10, 2010

After breakfast we all got ready to leave for the orphanage. Each university’s advisor had either brought clothes or had some supplies to donate to the children and the facility. See before I came on this trip I purposely packed a whole bunch of clothes that I wanted to donate. So all my tee shirts and skirts that I packed for this trip I threw into a duffle bag along with the medical supplies my mom gave me so that way I can give the whole thing to the orphanage. So as far as clothes my suitcase is pretty empty.

When we got there it was sad to see so many little kids. They said there were about 365 orphans. Annie told me that about 3/4 of them were orphaned because their parents died of AIDS. We passed out one piece of clothing to each child starting with the babies. Even though I was glad to see that the older girls were happy when somebody handed them the skirt or shirt that I provided; I was just disappointed because we did not have enough for everybody. I just wish I could have packed some more clothes to give.

The highlight of my day was when one of the older girls asked me to be her friend. I ended up giving her my email so whenever she goes to the internet café she can write me. I was really touched that she chose me out of everybody.

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