Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day ELEVEN - Zomba Presbyterian Church

Day ELEVEN – June 27, 2010
Today we walked all the way to Zomba Presbyterian Church after breakfast. On the way there we saw tons of monkeys on the side of the road. I was trying to take a picture of a baby monkey when this bigger monkey ran really fast right behind me I guess to warn me off; I was so scared I screamed and these men watching us just laughed at me.
When we got to the church I realized that the men enter from one door and the women enter from the opposite door and they sit on separate sides of the room. I knew that this was how it worked before I got there because I overheard Dr. Kelly’s conversation explaining it so I was kind of really mad when one of the adults named Jean didn’t listen to me when I kept telling her that she was going to enter the wrong door. So I left her and walked around the building and went in the right way.

Church was kind of regular just like any other church; they spoke in English, had hymns, sermons, offerings and so on. I did like their music better even though I didn’t understand it since they sung in Chichewa. I felt a little more comfortable when the church welcomed us because I’m sure it was pretty obvious that we were visitors. Church lasted about 2 hours and some change.

Later on in the day we all drove to Annie’s home for lunch. We got to see her daughter again and meet her baby boy. We also got to meet Brian who is Mr. University of Malawi. He was very nice and throughout the whole day I got to know him very well; by the end of the day we became Facebook friends so we can keep in touch. Lunch was good and she made lots of food. After lunch she took us out to visit the nearby village. The lady showed us her home and how she lives from cooking to wear the children sleep. She basically explained every aspect of her daily life. These two older boys surprised us with a little skit about village life but they spoke Chichewa so we couldn’t understand what they were saying but it was still pretty funny and we got the point of it.

We went back to Annie’s club and chatted a little. It was overall a nice day.

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