Monday, July 19, 2010

Day TWENTY SEVEN - Club Mackokola

Day TWENTY SEVEN – July 13, 2010
Club Mackokola! This place is beautiful! The best place we been to in Malawi. It had a nice beach, pool, bar, and nice rooms; and I must say the shower was great!

Unfortunately, nobody else brought their bathing suits, but me so I wore it but didn’t go swimming because it was going to be real boring by myself. But I did enjoy wearing it because it was real hot. We all got to relax on the beach and just think about days in Malawi and how it really is coming to an end.

We had a candle lit dinner outside and it was tradition night so they had all the women servers dressed up in the full Malawian attire. We also had performers after dinner.

It was a pretty relaxed day.

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