Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day NINETEEN - Scholarship Students

Day NINETEEN – July 5, 2010
I feel a cold coming on and I’m so tired because I couldn’t get any sleep the night before since my nose was stuffy. Today’s school day was kind of slow. We helped with Chipo’s English lesson and I was actually very happy to find out that the kids were really happy to see Danielle and I which made a big difference in my day. After school we met with the 16 scholarship winners. Apparently our three universities have this program where we award certain students from the three primary schools we work at scholarships to pay for their tuition in secondary school. So there was a mini ceremony in one of the rooms in my school and some of the kids parents came which was real nice.

After that we went into town again to pick up stuff and Danielle, Sarah, and I walked to Tasty Bites for dinner. Today was alright, but I hope this cold passes soon.

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