Sunday, August 8, 2010



This study abroad program was much more than a school trip. It was a life changing experience. After this trip I can honestly say that I do see things differently. I appreciate everything I have way more than I ever did and one day I really hope to make a difference in somebody’s life that is less fortunate. I value my education regardless of how much debt I’m going to be in when I graduate because at least I can go; I value the running water I have to brush my teeth with because I know that it’s clean; I value the health care my family can afford because I know that if one of us gets sick there is a hospital to take them; although I’ve lived in an apartment my whole life in a city area where some people look down at I know I value the heat that comes on, the lights that shuts on, and the electricity that turns my stove on. People just remember that the things you complain about daily are in no way in comparison to some people’s situation in other parts of the world. I will forever remember all the kids who can’t go to school but have to work, the 365 orphans who lost their parents due to AIDS, the students who only go to school when it’s child feeding day because they are so hungry, the little girls climbing down a mountain barefoot with sticks on their heads. Out of all the lives there are in this world, I was blessed with mine and I am grateful for everything in it. I will always remember the friends I made and the students I taught in Malawi. <3

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