Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day TWENTY TWO - Pop Quiz

Day TWENTY TWO – July 8, 2010
Today was cool! Danielle prepared a really good day for our class. First we gave them a mini quiz on the things they learned yesterday about world geography and the continents. Some students made me really proud and did very well on the quiz while others were disappointing. The main student who surprised me the most was Joy; he was the only one with a 100% so we awarded him with peanuts and popcorn. He is one of the quiet students so it surprised me to find out that he really was listening and paying attention.

After the quiz, Danielle continued her lesson and talked about the slave trade, Europe, Africa, and some things about South America. I chipped in a few times especially when it came to the Caribbean, but this was her lesson so I just assisted. It was nice to actually have some students ask questions because they are all so shy and quiet.

Then we gave the students and Chipo a chance to teach us some Chichewa. We sat down at one of the student’s desk and basically switched roles. The kids really seemed to enjoy this part because they laugh whenever we struggle with a word and they applauded loudly whenever we did say something right.

It was a really good day in class, but we had to leave early because we were going to visit a church. On the way out the kids were leaving for break and Willard (one of our students) stopped Danielle and I and asked us to write down our emails and I just felt so touched. He was one of our favorites so it was really nice that he wanted to stay in touch with us. We also stopped by Gift’s office and he gave us presents. He had sewn each of us our favorite animal on a piece of fabric and the name “Malawi” at the bottom and said that it was so we can always be reminded of them. It was sooo nice and I didn’t expect this.

When I go home I’m going to really miss the good days at Domasi Demonstration Primary School in Malawi, Africa. :(

So we walked about one and a half miles to the church. On the way there we saw our little friend Gerald who always comes to see us after school. I don’t think he or any of his friends go to school because Jennifer said he’s been lying for years about which school he attends. One moment he says he goes to the Demonstration school, the next moment he goes to the government school so we realized that he doesn’t go to school. He is just a real clever village boy who always comes to talk to us. He’s very bright and has good English so you can tell that he use to go to school. Well today I guess he found a rubber glove somewhere because he blew it up and made a ball out of it and kicked it along during our walk. A bunch of other little kids were running along with us, but as the walk got farther they all seemed to disappear.

When we got there the whole choir was singing for us and the church leaders shook our hands. They sang like 6 different songs for us and did little dances. Then we presented them with gifts and they presented us with gifts of different foods like sweet potatoes, sugar cane, bananas, etc. They were really nice.

Later on after walking back the one and a half miles we went into town to buy fabric and other things and Danielle and I left the group to go eat at Tasty Bites.

It was a nice day.

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